Unlimited visiting for care home residents to return

From Monday 31 January, there will be no limit on the number of visitors a care home resident can have and no requirements to test or isolate after visits out (providing these visits are not deemed to be “high risk”).
An elderly woman laughing with a young female care home assistant
  • Self-isolation periods reduced from 14 to 10 days for those who test positive, with further reductions if they test negative on days 5 and 6
  • Isolation periods for those in care following an emergency hospital visit will be reduced from 14 to a maximum 10 days, in line with the NHS and following the latest advice from the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE)
  • Care homes only have to follow outbreak management rules for 14 rather than 28 days.
  • By Wednesday 16 February, care workers will be asked to use rapid lateral flow tests before their shifts replacing the current system which included the use of weekly asymptomatic PCR tests.

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