Flower with the words Creating Conversations death dying grief in a circle around the image

Creating Conversations CIC

Creating Conversations CIC create spaces for open conversations about death, dying and grief.

We provide a safe space for people to talk openly. We provide information and support about how to start conversations about dying, death and grief. We raise awareness of the importance of planning for the end of life and provide information about how to do this. We increase understanding of loss and grief and how to support someone who is grieving.

Activities are run in various locations across the London Boroughs of Redbridge and Waltham Forest.


  • Death cafe
  • Grief cafe
  • Workshops
  • Education/information sessions about end of life planning and grief



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Creating Conversations cafes are safe, confidential and friendly space where people, usually strangers, come together to openly talk about death, dying, grief and life!

There is no agenda or objectives; the conversation is simply led by the people in the group. It is a place to talk and share (or just listen) rather than a grief support group or a counselling session. We sit in small groups so it’s easy to participate.

Good Grief Café 

Thursday 1st Feb, 6.30-8.30pm 
Wanstead Library, Spratt Hall Road, London, E11 2RQ
Places can be booked on eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/o/the-death-positive-library-30239235224

Death Café

Why attend a Death Cafe?

People attend for all sorts of reasons. It might be that a bereavement or illness makes death and grief more present and they feel a need to talk or explore it further. Some people want to find out how to broach the subject of death and dying with someone close to them, like parents or grandparents. Or it might be a fear of death or dying that prompts someone to attend. For some people, it is just a desire to be more open or a curiosity about the subject.



Debbie Young

Tel: 07592 908134

Email: debbie@creatingconversations.uk

Facebook: conversations.deathdyinggrief

Instagram: conversations_deathdyinggrief/