Frailty unit opens at King George Hospital

This week King George Hospital opened a frailty unit that has been purposely designed to care for frail and elderly patients, and aims to get them home on the same day.
Close up of one elderly person's hands holding another hand

They’ve brought together experts from across clinical teams to provide rapid intervention from the point of arrival which will help to care for patients quicker, preventing them from having long waits in our Emergency Department.
The unit also has ambulatory assessment bays which allow patients to be assessed in special recliner chairs rather than beds where possible.  This is much easier for frail patients, and also means they can stay in their own clothes which is more comfortable for them.
The team on the unit will also continue to develop links with our partners in the community, so they can ensure frail patients only stay in hospital when absolutely necessary, and can return home without delay when they’ve recovered.

Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals