Tell us about your experience of using Maternity services in Redbridge

If you have recently used Maternity services in Redbridge or surrounding North East London boroughs, tell us about your experiences to help improve services in the future.
Maternity Choice survey

The North East London NHS want to all women and pregnant people in north east London to have the best experience when using maternity services.

To do that, they want to better understand the choices you are making, or made in terms of your maternity care and your hospital or birth centre. By taking part in this survey, you will help shape NHS maternity services to make them better for a wide range of local people in the future.

The survey is led by Healthwatch, who will share what they learn from the survey responses with the North East London Local Maternity and Neonatal System – a partnership of organisations, women and their families working together to deliver improvements in maternity services in north east London.

This survey is anonymous (no one will see any of your personal information); however, at the end of this survey, you will have the option to leave your name and contact details, in case you want to keep in touch this is so we can let you know the outcome of the survey and give you the opportunity to be involved in designing future services. This will be stored separately from your survey answers. 

The deadline is 16th February 2023.

Complete the survey now