Redbridge Quits Smoking is delivered by Via. Via is a registered charity providing a range of health and wellbeing services to adults and young people across the UK.

Redbridge Quits Smoking offers free and confidential treatment and support to stop smoking and other forms of tobacco.

The service is for anyone aged 12 and above who lives, works, studies or is experiencing homelessness in Redbridge.

Activities include:

  • One-to-one sessions with a trained specialist advisor
  • Free nicotine replacement therapies for up to 12 weeks
  • Support for people who are using other forms of tobacco that can also be addictive and harmful, such as paan, betel quid, gutkha, bidi, and shisha
  • Support for people who are concerned about their use of vapes/e-cigarettes
  • Workshops, talks and events for your service users, colleagues, congregations or communities, promoting the benefits of quitting smoking and other forms of tobacco


Sessions are offered in a range of convenient locations and through telephone or online support.

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Contact: Redbridge Quits Smoking 

Tel: 0300 303 2715 

Email: Redbridge Quits Smoking

Text: BREATHE to 82228

Website: redbridge-quits-smoking

Address: Redbridge Quits Smoking, 1st Floor, Ilford Chambers, 11 Chapel Rd, Ilford IG1 2DR