Making Safeguarding Personal

Redbridge Safeguarding Adults Board asked us to hear from service users about the way they were cared for during a safeguarding review.

Safeguarding services are essential to protecting potentially vulnerable people from harm. Redbridge Safeguarding Adults Board asked us to hear from service users about the way they were cared for during a safeguarding review. This was to help ensure that people understand what is happening and why. Our findings show that work is still needed to provide accessible information about the process and outcomes of safeguarding reviews. This report covers sensitive issues and we have attached some website information to give more detail about where support can be found.


Healthwatch Redbridge have been asked to be on the Making Safeguarding Personal working group for Redbridge Safeguarding Adults Board. This group is working to improve the communication to service users all the way through reviews. One interviewee from the project will now be directly involved in training Social Workers in the future.

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