Upcoming Mental Health Workshops

Next week is World Suicide Prevention Week. To mark this there are three free online workshops open to whoever wants to attend. Everyone is welcome!

Communal suicide prevention workshop | 5th September 2023 |13:00 – 14:00

MS Teams | Free and open to all!

This workshop explores the current context of suicide, how suicidal thoughts and feelings can present and what they mean, how we can help and support, and what other help and support is available, as well as how we can try to prevent suicide as a community and as individuals.

Email safeconnections@mindthnr.org.uk to book onto this workshop.


Self-harm awareness workshop | 7th September 2023 | 13:00 – 14:00

MS Teams | Free and open to all!

This workshop will help individuals to explore their own reactions to and perceptions of self-harm, what self-harm is and how it can present, why people self-harm and what it can mean, as well as how we can help and support in the immediacy and what other support exists.

Email safeconnections@mindthnr.org.uk to book onto this workshop.


Demystifying self-harm | From 26th September and further dates| 3 hour online session| Free and open to all!

This course will allow the space for participants to have open conversations about self-harm, including unpacking our own feelings and attitudes around self-harm (including thinking about our own faith, beliefs, life experience) and acknowledge them so that we are informed of how they may present and impact the support we provide.

Book your place via the following link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/demystifying-self-harm-tickets-444494102827