Job vacancy - Domestic Cleaners - Age UK Redbridge, Barking and Havering

Age UK RBH is seeking high quality Domestic Cleaners to work in older people’s, covering a range of tasks, including housework and shopping.
man sat across interview table from female interviewer with laptop

Domestic Cleaners - Age UK Redbridge, Barking and Havering

Closing date: 

Monday, 28 March, 2022


£9.09 per hour


Zero-hour contract

High quality domestic cleaning staff required to work in older people’s own homes in Redbridge, but especially in Barking and Dagenham and Havering to provide cleaning, Shopping and laundry services. Subject to DBS check and CQC inspections.

Call Age UK Redbridge, Barking & Havering on 0208 220 600 for an application pack and leave your name, telephone number and address and a pack will be sent out or email :

Alternatively, you can download the forms from Age UK's website

Employment will be subject to a DBS check and CQC inspections.

(information from the AgeUK's website)