1. Advice and Information -

    Flu and Covid-19 can be life-threatening and spread more easily in winter when we are crowded together inside.

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    The cost of living crisis has put many people under financial strain, and prescription costs are more than some can afford. Find out what help is out there to help you cover the cost of your medication.
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    It is your right to have a trained interpreter to support you at each GP or hospital appointment. It is the responsibility of your healthcare provider (GP or hospital) to book an interpreter for you.
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    Patients in England can now get treatment for seven common conditions at their high street pharmacy without needing to see a GP.
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    Join Diabetes UK for an online event for people living with and affected by type 2 diabetes, plus healthcare professionals.
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    It's Safer Sleep Week, 11th-17th March and here the Lullaby Trust highlight the key ways to keep your baby safe as they sleep.
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    The 13th of March this year marks the 40th anniversary of No Smoking Day. Since then, more and more people have been quitting smoking, and we are closer to building a smokefree generation.
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    Are you thinking about making a healthy change during Ramadan? If you smoke, vape, chew tobacco, or use shisha, and want to stop, Via Redbridge can help.
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    The community treatment team (CTT) works with adults in the community with an acute physical need who could potentially be treated at home, rather than attend accident and emergency (A&E).