1. Report -

    The Annual Report and financial statements for the year ending 31st March 2018 detail the impact of and showcases the achievements that Healthwatch Redbridge has completed over the past year.
  2. Report -

    The 2017-2018 Annual Report details the impact of and showcases the achievements that Healthwatch Redbridge has completed over the past year.
  3. News -

    In two weeks (on 30 September 2019), Barking and Dagenham, Havering and Redbridge Clinical Commissioning Groups’ online survey on our proposed written continuing healthcare (CHC) placements policy closes.
  4. News -

    The Secretary of State for Health and Social Care asked the Care Quality Commission (CQC) to work with NHS Improvement to look at issues in NHS trusts that contribute to Never Events taking place.
  5. News -

    The NHS wants to encourage more people to give feedback if they experience cancer care and treatment, particularly people from black and minority ethnic communities who are currently under-represented in responses to surveys.
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    Five E&V visits were conducted in March 2016 at four Hospital Emergency Departments (North Middlesex, Royal Free, Whipps Cross, and Homerton Hospital) and one Outpatient Department (Newham) in regards to accessibilities.
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    As you may be aware the NHS is developing its Long Term Plan (LTP). During September NHS England is inviting input to shape the LTP.
  8. News -

    One Place East provides advocacy support to people with learning disabilities in the role of quality checkers to see how easy it is for them to use social care service hubs.
  9. News -

    Meet the Redbridge patients helping to heal the NHS
  10. Report -

    Jo's experience has changed the pathway for over 1000 people in the Borough.
  11. News -

    'Caring for Redbridge' is the strategic commissioning framework for Redbridge Council's People Directorate.
  12. News -

    We are delighted to announce that we have successfully achieved the Investing in Volunteers Quality Standard.
  13. Advice and Information -

    University College London Hospitals (UCLH) are looking for 10 people to help them “test run” parts of an important new research study into the early detection of cancer.
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    Saint Francis Hospice (SFH) was commissioned to conduct a survey to report on services which people received prior to their referral into SFH services.
  15. News -

    The Patient Partnership Council is the voice for patients across Queen’s and King George Hospitals and BHRUT (Barking, Havering, Redbridge University Trust) need people like you to join them.